Courage and Trust.
Here is this week's Food for Thought: I came upon a shocking piece of data recently. Over 91% of people spend the majority of time every...

More on the "Unspeakable."
Here is this week's food for thought: To give you a sense of how powerful this work is I will share with you something one woman wrote...

Rage? But I am a nice person, I don't do rage!
Rage? But I am a nice person, I don't do rage! Here is what happened at the recent class as I was teaching. Suddenly and seemingly...

Why Rescuers Get Slaughtered and What the Heck Does It Mean?
A friend of mine (I’ll call her Diana) is upset. She has another friend (I’ll call her Mary) who has financial problems, and that...

Even If You Are Right, So What?
I belong to the Left Coast Writers Salon that meets once a month at the Book Passage store in Corte Madera, Ca. Not long ago, I did a...

Don’t Hold Me Tight.
Have you ever been to the Hot Springs? If you have, you remember how great it feels to be standing neck-deep in the warm, caressing water...

If You Want To Be Happy – Be Around Those Who Already Are.
Are you familiar with the "crabs in the box" phenomenon? Don’t know what I am talking about? Here it is. If you’ve ever watched people...

Before Enlightenment, Chop Wood, Carry Water. After Enlightenment – Chop Wood, Carry Water.
It's good to come back to this ancient wisdom at times of a transformational experience. Today's blog is about Forgiveness. I write and...

Honoring the 12th Anniversary of the International Day of Forgiveness.
Those of you who read The Power of the Possible or listened to my talks know how much and how often I write and speak about forgiveness....

Receiving and Giving are the Same.
Today I will start by quoting a beautiful man, a monk, Brother David. This is what he said: “The gesture for receiving is an open left...